
Ten kisses.

Every now and then, CNN has some great lists and as a list-lover, I have already mentioned some of them in this blog. Now here's the lates: Ten important kisses in history.
Apart from the kiss of Judas or Eskimo kisses, it features a few less-known kisses as well. One of my favourite little stories:
"[...]the story of Thomas Saverland, an English gentleman who was at a party in 1837 and, as a joke, kissed Miss Caroline Newton by force. In response, she bit off a chunk of his nose.

Saverland took her to court, where the judge found his case more hilarious than harrowing. The judge ruled, "When a man kisses a woman against her will, she is fully entitled to bite off his nose, if she so pleases." A smart-mouthed barrister then added, "and eat it up, if she has a fancy that way." "

Of course, my favourite kiss of all times is on the list, too - the kiss of the sailor and the nurse, that the article simply calls (no wonder why) "The most iconic kiss in history". Take a look!

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