

When I heard the news that a Picasso sketchbook was stolen from the Musée Picasso in Paris, something I read in a book about him came to my mind. It said thst it was clearly to see how Picasso and his art is still very 'in', very modern and very admired by the pricetag on his works or the things written about him. Now I say it is also plain to see all these things if you look at how many of his creations were stolen - even if the thieves don't appreciate art, those who buy or order their heist surely do.
And on a personal note, since I know I will never, ever have the money to buy a real Picasso, sometimes I wish I was brave, clever and conscienceless enough to at least steal one...

T h e a b o v e d r a w i n g c a n b e s e e n i n B a r c e l o n a ' s M u s e u P i c a s s o .

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